Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Nestled in between the mountainous regions of Bangladesh and Myanmar is the land of Mizo's. I will be traveling to Mizoram early next month for a visit to this beautiful area. While Mizoram is known for its beautiful natural habitat of scenic terrain it is also renown for its hospitable people. I am eager and excited to experience this rich culture in the coming days. I am just awaiting the proper travel documents/permits in order to enter the area.
At I came across some good information about Mizoram, its people and history. This included:
World-renowned for their hospitality, Mizos are a close-knit society with no class distinction and no discrimination on grounds of sex. The entire society is knitted together by a peculiar code of ethics 'Tlawmngaihna' an untranslatable term meaning on the part of everyone to be hospitable kind, unselfish and helpful to others.

The distinction of 'no-class' (caste-related) and equality of women and men is a rare quality to be found in the Indian Sub-Continent.
During the trip we will visit some local friends and hope to visit some historical sites. I hope to post some info after our return.
Till next time...

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